Home Health & Wellness Nutrition 101

Nutrition 101

July 31, 2020 – 11 Av 5780

What to eat was basic to our ancestors. In modern society, however, nutrition has become a quite complex and lucrative financial enterprise. The sheer number of sources that purport to have the answers to our nutritional questions and dilemma can be overwhelming. Should I eat vegan? High protein? Low carbohydrate? Paleo? And the list goes on. For every study that suggests that a particular diet has the most substantive health benefits, one can find several other studies that contradict the conclusions. Click to continue reading…


by Dr. Rabbi Regina Smith, PhD for The Conscience. Dr. Smith is a Dean of the Israelite Academy and Director of Curricula. She is an accomplished scholar of Torah and Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Culture. She holds advanced degrees from The Jewish Theological Seminary of America and Colgate Rochester Bexley Hall, Crozer Theological Seminary. A gifted author, lecturer and teacher, Rabbi Malchah has presented workshops, keynote addresses and seminars throughout the United States and is the recipient of several scholarly awards and honors. She is the author of articles on Judaica, the Israelite experience and Africana history. Chronicling the Africana experience and the Africana perspective is one of her budding interests. Rabbi Malchah is the co-author of a forthcoming trilogy on the lives of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela and the history of race relations in the United States

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